Monday Nights are for Mixed Instruments

SC&T Adult Autumn Term ’24 starting on Monday 30th September

Join tutor Callum Brown for this exciting Mixed Instruments class. Suitable for interemdiate and advanced players of Scottish traditional instruments. This class will work on collaborative arrangements for performance.

Sign up open now
Visit to sign up.

Levels Explained

What does level 1 2 3 mean?

These relate to the ability and level the class is aimed at:

0 = Complete beginner – no experience of your instrument.

1 = Beginner – Have only been playing for a short time.  

2 = Intermediate – Have been playing for a while and can play some tunes

3 = Advanced – Can play and learn tunes competently 

0/1, 1/2, 2/3 etc = Both levels are accommodated

No level indicated = This course is open to all levels but some experience is recommended.